De ce iubim castravetii murati? Pentru ca au un gust deosebit, pentru ca sunt sanatosi, pentru ca se asorteaza bine cu o friptura, o fasole iahnie sau o tocanita de cartofi si, chiar daca punem saramura fiarta peste ei, in interiorul lor ramane o temperatura optima pentru dezvoltarea bacteriilor bune, adica a probioticelor. Daca am folosi otet, acesta ar inhiba dezvoltarea lor.

Sfecla rosie, pe langa aportul ei nutritional, ii da o culoare de care te indragostesti. Clar!

In momentul in care am decis sa scriu reteta si sa fac fotografiile, chiar ma gandeam ca nu voi reusi sa redau in poze, frumusetea lor. In momentul in care incepe sa fermenteze, imaginea nu mai este chiar magica.

Scroll down for English recipe

Castraveti murati cu sfecla rosie – Reteta pentru iarna

  • Castraveti
  • Sfecla rosie
  • Hrean
  • Usturoi
  • Sare
  • Flori uscate de marar si sunduc (schinduf)
  • Crengute de visin

Nu am dat cantitati, deoarece reteta se pliaza pe situatie.

  • Castraveti folositi cel mai des, sunt din soiul Cornison, variantele cele mai mici, deoarece ii punem intregi.
  • Ii spalam si le taiem un pic din capete. Sfecla o spalam si o curatam de coaja. Hreanul se curata si se taie in bucati.
  • Borcanele curate incep sa se umple 🙂
  • Punem jos crengute de visin, apoi punem castravetii intregi, cat mai organizati. Intre randuri punem felii subtiri de sfecla, felii de usturoi, felii de hrean. Cand ajungem sus, punem florile uscate de marar si schinduf si doua crengi de visin, in X, pentru a sustine mai bine castravetii in saramura.
  • Saramura se realizeaza dintr-o lingura de sare la litru de apa. Lingura de sare o pun cam cu varf, nu rasa. Calculam cantitatea de saramura astfel: capacitatea borcanelor impartita la 2, ± 100 ml, depinde de cat de bine am organizat totul in borcan. Daca va raman spatii mari, puteti taia un castravete si sa puneti felii, pe lungime sau latime.
  • Borcanele se pun pe o tava de aragaz, sau se pun lame de cutite de metal sub ele, pentru a nu se sparge.
  • Saramura se clocoteste pe foc si apoi se pune peste castraveti, punand pe mijlocul borcanului moarea. Se umplu borcane, se capacesc si se lasa in repaus 24 ore.
  • Dupa o zi, se goleste saramura inapoi in oala si se da iar un clocot,apoi se pune peste castraveti. Se inchid borcanele cu capac si se depoziteaza in camara, la rece.


Pickled Cucumbers with red beet – Recipe for winter

Why do we love pickled cucumbers? Because they have a great taste , they are healthy, because they fit well with a steak, a bean sauce or a potato stew and, even if we put hot brine inside them, has remains an optimal temperature for the development of good bacteria , the probiotics. If we use vinegar, it would inhibit their development.

The red beet, besides it’s nutritional intake, gives it a color that you fall in love with. Clear!

When I decided to write the recipe and make the photo shoot, I was just thinking, that I can not surprise in those photos, their beauty. When it begins to ferment, the picture no longer looks magical.

castraveti in saramura

Pickled Cucumbers with red beet – Recipe for winter

  • Cucumbers
  • Beet
  • Horseradish
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Dried dill and fenugreek flowers
  • Cherry twigs

I did not give the quantity, because the recipe is folding about the situation.

  • Cucumbers used most Cornison variety, the smallest variants, because we put them whole.
  • We wash the cucumber and cut a little from their heads. We washe the beet and peel it. Horseradish is cleaned and cut into slices.
  • Clean jars begin to fill up 🙂
  • Put the cherry twigs down, then put whole cucumbers as much as you can. Between the rows we put thin slices of beets, slices of garlic, slices of horseradish. When we get up, put the dried dill and fenugreek flowers  and two twigs of cherry, in X, to better support the cucumbers in the brine.
  • The brine is made from one tablespoon of salt to 1 liter of water. The salt spoon puts it a bit high, not a breed. We calculate the amount of brine as follows: the capacity of the jars divided to 2, ± 100 ml, depends on how well we organized everything in the jar. If there are large spaces left, you can cut a cucumber and put slices in length or width.
  • Place the jars on a tray cooker, or place metal knife blades underneath them to prevent cracks.
  • The brine is boiled and it is poured over the cucumber, in the center of the jar. Fill jars, caps, and leave at rest for 24 hours.
  • After a day, empty the brine back into the pot and boil again, then put on the cucumbers. Close the jars with lid and store in the cold store.