Banana bread cu nuci si stafide este o paine dar nu-i paine, seamana cu checul, dar nu-i chec :))) Este un desert deosebit de gustos si sanatos, avand in vedere ca adaposteste potasiu, fier si magneziu din banane, mangan, cupru, zinc, seleniu si calciu din nuci si lista continua…
Se potriveste de minune insotita de o ceasca de lapte, ceai sau cafea.
Avantajul mare este ca se face foarte usor, nu iti trebuies cunostinte avansate, pur si simplu se amesteca ingredientele si se pun in tavi, apoi se coc. Atat.
Banana bread are o reteta foarte versatila, se poate negocia cu zaharul, punand trei sferturi de cana sau se poate inlocui cu miere, se pot pune alune, curmale, prune uscate…ciocolata razuita.
Scroll down for English recipe
Banana bread cu nuci si stafide – Ingrediente
- 2-3 banane bine coapte (2 daca sunt mari, 3 daca sunt mici)
- 100 gr unt moale sau topit
- 1 ou
- 1 cana zahar
- 1 si 1/2 cana faina
- o ceasca de nuci tocate cu cutitul
- o ceasca de stafide sau orice alte fructe uscate doriti
- 2 plicuri zahar vanilat
- 1 lingurita de praf de copt
- un varf de cutit de sare
Banana bread cu nuci si stafide – Cum se prepara
- Se preincalzeste cuptorul la 175 grade C
- Intr-un castron se zdropsesc cu furculita bananele decojite, se adauga untul moale, oul, zaharul, zaharul vanilat, sarea si se amesteca cu un tel sau mixer…nu conteaza. Se adauga nucile, stafidele si faina amestecata cu praful de copt si se amesteca foarte bine toata compozitia.
- Se pregateste o tava de 10 x 20 cm, se unge cu un pic de unt sau cu ulei si se tapeteaza cu faina.
- Se toarna compozitia in tava si se da la cuptor
- Se coace 50-60 minute la 175 grade C. Se verifica cu o scobitoare, care trebuie sa ramana curata atunci cand o scoatem din produs.
- Se lasa la racit pe un grilaj si se foloseste un cutit zimtat pentru feliere, pentru a reduce faramitarea.
Bucatariti cu dragoste!
Banana bread
It goes perfectly with a cup of milk, tea or coffee.A significant pro is that it’s very easily prepared, it doesn’t require advanced knowledge on baking – you simply mix the ingredients and put tehm in trays, then bake then. That’s all.The Banana Bread recipe is very versatile, you can adjust the quantity of sugar to your taste (up to 3/4 of a cup) or you can replace it with honey. You can mix in peanuts, dates, plums and grated chocolate.
Banana Bread with walnuts and raisins – The Ingredients:
- 2-3 Ripe bananas (2 if they are big, 3 if small)
- 100 Grams of soft or melted butter
- 1 Egg
- 1 Cup of sugar
- 1+1/2 Cups of flour
- 1 Cup of wallnuts chopped with a knife
- 1 Cup of raisins or other dried fruits
- 2 Sachets of Vanilla Sugar
- 1 Teaspoon of baking powder
- A pinch of Salt
Banana Bread with walnuts and raisins – Preparing it:
Mash the peeled bananas in a bowl with a fork, add the soft butter, the egg, the sugar, the vanilla sugar, salt and mix it with a whisk or a mixer (it does not matter which).
Prepare a baking tray of 10×20 cm, grease it with a bit of butter or oil and coat it with flour.
Pour the mixture in the tray and bake it for 50-60 minutes and 175 degrees Celsius. Check it with a toothpick (insert it in the bread), which should be clean when pulled back.
Allow it to cool on a grid and use a serrated knife for slicing it to reduce crumbling.