Granola este o reteta pe cat de gustoasa, pe atat de interesanta in lupta noastra impotriva osteoporozei. Mereu ne facem griji, nu consumam dulciuri pentru ca facem diabet (si nu numai), nu consumam bauturi carbogazoase pentru ca au un Ph foarte scazut si mai contin (poate doar unele), acid fosforic ce ne afecteaza oasele, nu mancam grasimi, pentru ca se depun pe vasele de sange, nu consumam prajeli, pentru ca ne creste colesterolul si trigliceridele…

Cred ca ar trebui inceput ceva din sens invers, ce alimente sa consumam pentru a ne curata vasele de sange, sau care sa ne protejeze de viroze, sau sa ne creasca imunitatea organismului ori sa avem destul calciu cat sa nu avem probleme cu oasele. Si daca tot este ziua osteoprorozei, m-am gandit la un meniu care sa marcheze grija pentru  asigurarea necesarului zilnic de Calciu si vitamina D, intr-o forma simpatica.

Scroll Down for English Recipe

Granola a fost inventata de un doctor american, in anul 1863, ca si meniu sanatos servit intr-un sanatoriu spa cu principal ingredient ovazul, apoi a inceput sa reinventeze prin adaugarea fructelor uscate sau crude si a diferitelor seminte si nuci.

Granola fara coacere este o varianta interesanta si destul de comoda a unui meniu de mic-dejun, care insotita de un iarurt cremos, poate asigura si calciu si vitamina D.

Iaurtul il putem inlocui cu sana sau chefir sau chiar cu un lapte simplu.

Granola fara coacere – Ingrediente

  • 1/2 cana unt de nuci
  • 2 linguri miere
  • 1 ciocolata ( la alegere)
  • 1 cana fulgi de ovaz
  • 1/4 cana faina de ovaz
  • 1/2 cana fulgi de porumb
  • 1/4 cana fructe uscate (la alegere)
  • 1/4 cana nuci tocate grosier
  • 1/4 cana seminte ( la alegere)
  • 1/8 lingura sare

Granola fara coacere – Mod de preparare

Pregatim o oala cu apa fierbinte pentru bain Marie si un castron potrivit in care sa punem untul de nuci, ciocolata rupta in bucati si mierea la topit.

Daca nu avem faina de ovaz, putem sa o facem din fulgi macinati in rasnita sau robotul de bucatarie.

Intr-ul alt castron mare punem toate celelalte ingredinte uscate si amestecam bine.

Punem amestecul topit peste fulgi si amestecam bine. Putem sa modificam cantitatie in fuctie de ce avem in camara.

Daca este prea moale, mai punem faina sau fulgi.

Portionam granola si o consumam cu una dintre lactatele la alegere. Se pastreaza in recipient inchis etans.

Granola No Bake

Granola is a tasty recipe, so helpful in our fight against osteoporosis. We always worry to not eat sweets because we do diabetes (and not only), don’t drink carbonated drinks because they have a very low Ph and contain (maybe only some) phosphoric acid that affects our bones, do not eat fat because they are deposited on blood vessels, do not eat fry because it increases our cholesterol and triglycerides.

I think it should be started in the reverse direction – what foods to consume to clean our blood vessels, or to protect us from virosis, or to increase our body’s immunity or to have enough calcium to have no problems with the bones. And as the day of osteoporosis, I thought of a menu that would mark the care to ensure the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin D in a sympathetic form.

 Granola was invented by an American doctor in 1863 as a healthy menu served in a spa sanatorium with the main ingredient of oats, then it began to reinvented by adding dry or raw fruits and various seeds and nuts.

Granola no bake is an interesting and quite convenient option of a breakfast menu, accompanied by a creamy yogurt, can also provide calcium and vitamin D.

Yogurt can be replaced with a sauce or kefir or even plain milk.

Granola – no bake – Ingredients

1/2 cup nut butter

2 tablespoons honey

1 chocolate (optional)

1 cup of oatmeal

1/4 cup of oat flour

1/2 cup corn flakes

1/4 cup dried fruit (optional)

1/4 cup coarsely chopped nuts

1/4 cup seed (optional)

1/8 tbsp salt

Granola-no bake – Preparation

We prepare a hot water pot for bain Marie and a suitable bowl to put the nut butter, broken chocolate and honey to melt.

If we do not have oatmeal flour, we can make it from floured grains.

In another large bowl we put all the other ingredients, dry and mix well.

Put the melted mixture over the flakes and mix well.

We share granola and consume it with one of the dairy of choice. Store in tightly sealed container.
