Reteta de ardei umpluti este una cat se poate de simpla, insa foarte satioasa si gustoasa. Este usor de facut pentru orice bucatareasa incepatoare sau orice persoana careia ii place sa gateasca.

Ardeii pentru umplut se pot alege ca avand marimi mai micute spre mijlocii si exista doua moduri de a-i umple, fie se taie cotorul si se curata de seminte si apoi se foloseste drept capac, fie se taie pe lungime de la codita la varf, si in acest caz, se pun intr-o tava mai inalta, cu umplutura in sus si se fierb in cuptor, aspectul fiind foarte frumos si apetisant, mai ales daca se pune deasupra umpluturii cate o mana de branza rasa amestecata cu un pic de smantana.

Ardeii trebuie sa fie bine copti, altfel devin amarui la gust.

Ca si sfat prietenesc, in cazul in care nu va mai ajung ardeii pentru o cantitate mai mare de carne, folositi rosiile, acestea vor da un plus de gust mancarii, chiar si un dovlecel, doi..


Scroll down for English recipe

Ardei umpluti – Ingrediente

  • 1 kg carne tocata de porc sau amestec
  • 10-12 ardei gras ( depinde de marimea acestora)
  • 1-2 cepe
  • 1 ceasca de orez
  • bulion
  • boia de ardei dulce
  • verdeata diferita
  • sare, piper si alte condimente – in special cimbru, daca se poate si uscat si verde


Ardei umpluti – Mod de preparare

  • Ardeii de curata de seminte, asa cum am scris mai sus, dar se pastreaza capacele
  • Ceapa se toaca marunt si se dustuieste intr-o lingura de ulei, peste ea se adauga orezul, boiaua de ardei dulce si bulionul.
  • Cand totul este dustuit si arata bine si apetisant, se pune peste carnea tocata.
  • Se pune sarea, piperul si condimente din belsug si verdeata tocata marunt si se amesteca foarte bine.
  • Se umplu ardeii cu aceasta compozitie, se pun capacele oprite si se ordoneaza frumos intr-o oala incapatoare.
  • Se adauga apa in amestec cu bulion pana acopera ardeii. Se presara un pic de sare pentru zeama.
  • Intr-o cana se pregateste un sos din 2-3 linguri de faina si apa, se amesteca bine sa nu ramana cocoloase, se dilueaza cu zeama fierbinte din oala si se pune printre ardei, rotind bine oala sa se omogenizeze zeama si sa aiba o consistenta mai groasa.
  •  Se gusta. Inainte de a termina de fiert, se pune sosul de faina si se mai fierbe 1-2 minute, apoi se opreste focul. Se fierb la foc mic, cu capac cu orificiu, cc 1 ora.
  • Se servesc cu smantana si ardei iute.

Nu uita ca resturile menajere provenite de la bucatarie sa le folosesti la compost!

Gatiti cu dragoste!


Stuffed Peppers 

The Recipe The stuffed peppers recipe is as simple as it gets but very nourishing and tasty. It is just as easy to prepare for a beginner cook as it is to someone who likes to cook. You can choose the peppers for stuffing having sizes from medium to small and there are two ways to stuff them – you either cut down the spine, clean the seeds off and use it as a lid, or cut them on their height and place them in a taller pan stuffed, in which case they will look very beautiful and appetizing, especially if you pour a bit of grated cheese and sour cream. You have to cook the peppers well until they are ripe, otherwise they will have a bitter taste. As a friendly advice, if you don’t have enough peppers for a greater quantity of ground meat just use tomatoes or zucchini, they will add some extra taste to the food.

Stuffed Peppers – The Recipe

  • 1 KG of ground pork (or mixture) meat
  • 10-12 peppers (depending on their size)
  • 1-2 onions
  • 1 cup of rice
  • tomato sauce
  • sweet paprika
  • different kinds of herbs (parsley, lavage, etc.)
  • Salt, pepper and other spices, especially thyme

Stuffed Peppers – Preparing it

  • Clean the seeds off the peppers, as I wrote above, but keep the lids.
  • Chop the onion finely and fry it in a tablespoon of oil, then add the rice, sweet paprika and the tomato sauce. When everything is well fried and looks good and appetizing pour in the ground meat.
  • Add the salt, pepper and spices (as much as you like), then the chopped herbs and mix well.
  • Stuff the peppers with this mixture, place the lids on top and place them in a nice order in a roomy pot.
  • Add water mixed with tomato sauce until it covers the peppers. Sprinkle some salt in this liquid as well. In a cup, prepare a sauce with 2-3 tablespoons of flour and water.
  • Mix it well until there are no lumps left, then dilute with the hot liquid from the pot and add it back in the pot, pouring it between the peppers.
  • Rotate the pot well until the liquid between the peppers is homogeneous with a thick consistency. Do this before the end of cooking, then boil for 1-2 more minutes.
  • The peppers have to be boiled at low heat, and the pot has to have a lid with orifices.
  • Boil for about 1 hour.
  • Serve with sour cream and chili peppers.
