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Tot din ciclul ” Am ajuns in Rai”, este si acest sirop de trandafiri si capsuni. Acolo il veti gasi si pe cel de soc si capsuni.
Odata ce il gusti, vroiam sa spun ca incepe sa creasca IQ- ul, dar sa nu exageram, iti doresti sa cultivi cat mai multi trandafiri de dulceta in gradina ta.
Pe o scara de 1:10, ia cu siguranta nota 10, deoarece are un parfum, care in colaborare stransa cu capsunile, iti ramane tatuat in minte.
Petalele de trandafiri, nu stiu daca mai este necesar sa zic, trebuie sa fie culese de la plante ne stropite cu chimicale.
Sirop de trandafiri si capsuni – Ingrediente
- 200 gr petale de trandafiri
- 250 gr capsuni
- 1 kg zahar
- 1 litru apa
Sirop de trandafir si capsuni – Mod de preparare
- Petalele de trandafiri de rup de pe receptaculul florii, tinand grupul de petale in stanga, ca apoi, cu ajutorul unei foarfeci, sa taiem cat putem … nu trebuie sa devenim maniaci, portiunile albe ale petalelor.
Nu uita sa colectezi resturile pentru compost, nu le arunca la gunoiul normal! Poti sa le strecori sub stratul de mulci.
- Intr-o oala se pun la fiert apa si zaharul, pentru a forma siropul. Eu l-am fiert 15 minute.
- Se stinge focul si apoi se pun petalele de trandafiri curatate si se amesteca.
- Se acopera cu un prosop si se lasa 24 ore la temperatura camerei.
- Capsunile se spala, se lasa sa se scurga bine si apoi se maruntesc cu furculita…cum putem. Presaram 2-3 linguri de zahar si le punem pe foc, intr-o craticioara. Se fierb pana apare spuma, spuma care se aduna pe cat se poate, apoi le dam deoparte.
- Dupa timpul de maturat, se strecoara siropul, se adauga in el capsunile si se mai da un clocot, nu mai mult.
- Se pune in sticle sterilizate in cuptor sau oparite in apa clocotita ( si scurse bine)
- Se capacesc si se pastreaza la racoare.
- Se consuma diluat cu apa minerala sau plata.
Spor la treaba!
Rose and Strawberry Syrup
From the „I’m in Heaven” series we’ve got the rose and strawberry syrup as well. You will find the elderberry and strawberry syrup in the same location.
Once you taste it.. I was going to say your IQ gets higher, but let’s not overreact.. you will want to grow as many jam roses in your garden.
On a scale from 1 to 10, this is definitely a 10, because it’s got a very pleasant scent, which remains tattoed on your mind together with the strawberry taste.
The rose petals, I have to mention, must be picked up from our plants, that have not been sprayed with chemicals.
Rose and Strawberry Syrup – The Ingredients
- 200 Grams of rose petals
- 250 Grams of Strawberries
- 1 Kilogram of Sugar
- 1 Liter of Water
Rose and Strawberry Syrup – Preparing it
- Tear the rose petals off their receptacles, holding them in your left hand, and then, with your right hand, cut off the white parts of the petals as much as you can, but don’t overdo this.
- Don’t forget to collect the debris for compost, don’t throw them in your normal trash bin. You can put them underneath your mulch layer.
- Boil the water and sugar in a pot for about 15 minutes to create the syrup. Turn off the flame, add the rose petals and mix with a spoon. Cover the pot with a towel and leave it at room temperature for about 24 hours.
- Wash the strawberries with water, leave them to dry them well and then mash them with a fork. Pour 2-3 spoons of sugar and put the mix in a separate pot. Boil them until foam starts to show up.Remove them foam as much as possible and get the pot off the flame.
- After maturation time is up, filter the syrup add the strawberries and boil it for a little bit more.
- Pour the syrup into bottles that have been well sterilized in the over or in boiling water (and well dried).
- Cap them and keep them in cool, shady storage.
- Drink diluted with mineral water, sparkling or still.